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[整理] 交易系统:国外论坛常年第一SonicR个人翻译完毕,第三部分









12943 美元
发表于 2017-10-22 18:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
PVSRA Tutorial 使用说明书

The PVSRA project is by no means complete. This is an "in-work" project to identify and clarify the method of analysis. The analysis is aPrice,Volume,S&RAnalysis (hence the acronym PVSRA). PVSRA uses absolutely no other indicators because all other indicators are nothing more than derivatives of price. They are all lagging indicators that frequently point you in the wrong direction. They waste computer resources and serve only to inhibit your success that can only be achieved by properly analyzing the three most important datum in trading, and then setting up your strategy to trade based on that analysis, and that analysis


The method of analysis is to look for notable volume changes, then to look at the general price action (PA) and the individual price bars within that PA before during and after notable volume changes, and finally to look to see where all this PA is taking place relative to importantS&R levels. That is it in a nutshell, but there are important specifics involved.The area of important specifics involved include what is meant by "notable volume changes", what are we looking for in the general PA, what are we looking for in the way of individual candle configurations within that PA, and what are we looking for when we bring the S&R factor into all of this? Finding out the best answers to these questions is what this "in-work" PVSRA project is all about; what works and what does not work.In the following text I am going to discuss some specifics, some considerations being tried. In time, some may be discarded as unreliable and some as yet unidentified specifics may come to light through discoveries to be made by traders that have embraced this project and are trading based on PVSRA.


Volume Specifics
By "notable" volume changes we mean relative volume changes that stand out. These do not have to result in tall volume bars, just taller volume bars compared to within a short time before they occur. The color coded volume histogram helps to identify such notable changes, regardless of the actual height of the bars, which is why short bars can appear as color coded bars. Certainly, when very tall color coded volume bars appear, even among other tall volume bars, this is not only a notable change in relative volume, it has the possible added indication of being "stopping" volume. This of course must be confirmed by studying the candle associated with such a volume bar. Relative to important S&R, where the end of the candle strikes can be a form of confirmation. More will be said on this in the section on S&R below.


Price and PA Specifics
When a notable volume event occurs what does the specific candle look like and what has PA been doing in general? Here are some considerations. If the specific candle strikes into lows, or islow, or is coming up off of lows in PA that is generally declining, this is an indication lower prices are favored more than higher prices, which implies bulls are building long positions. If the specific candle strikes up into highs, or is high, or is coming down off of highs in PA that is generally rising, this is an indication higher prices are favored more than lower prices, which implies bears are building short positions. Sometimes the general drift of PA is neither declining nor inclining, but doingboth or doing neither. At such times you might still be able to see if high or low prices seem to be favored. However, there are times when this aspect of PVSRA does not yield clear results. It is not a failing of PVSRA. It is the strength of PVSRA! At such times PVSRA is telling you there is no clear "signal" and no trade entry should be under consideration by you!


S&R Specifics
Currently, there are two S&R considerations: discrete S&R levels and where has price come from. The discrete S&R levels are whole, half and quarter numbers, in that order of priortiy.
Bears like to move price above these levels to close longs/build shorts. Bulls like to move price below these levels to close shorts/build longs. So, if price as been moved above/below any of these levels and notable volume changes then occur, this is an indication bears/bulls reign. Where price has come from is also a consideration because you will see, using the Levels on your SonicR template and viewing H1 charts, that inter-day swings tend to be birthed in the area of these Levels, and tend to die in the area of these Levels. The way to use this information is to see the progress of PA from the birth of the current swing. Inter-day swings tend to be 100+, 150+, 200+, 250+, etc. pips in length. If aswing has just started, the odds are for more progress. If a swing is already mature, the odds increase for price to reverse. Unfortunately, we cannot know how far a swing might progress. Nevertheless, this sometimes does add confirmation to what other aspects of PVSRA are indicating. And it sometimes boldly refutes what other aspects of PVSRA are indicating. For this latter situation, suppose the price and volume specifics are indicating the MMs are bulls, with notable volumes occurringat prices at lows, and maybe even in the very short term prices are starting to drift low. What would you conclude if your S&R part of the PVSRA showed price had already performed a 250+ pips inter-day swing upwards? Could the MMs be putting on "bullish looking PA" as part of a last effort to coax longs into the market to give the bear MMs liquidity for their final round of short building before they start their run for profits downwards? You see, it is not just price and volume that can be analyzed. S&R must be a part of the analysis for the analysis to yield reliable indications!

空头MM喜欢把价格运动到这些支持阻力位以上来关闭多头或建立空头,多头MM喜欢把价格运动到这些位置以下来关闭空头或建立多头。因此,如果价格被运动到这些位置的上下并且显著的成交量条出现,这说明多头还是空头在占主导。所谓价格运动是从哪里开始的是指当你用SONIC模板看H1图表时,你会发现日内的波动倾向于从这些整数位开始,并倾向在这些位置结束。这些信息的用法是看目前的趋势的发展走向,日内行情一般在100+, 150+, 200+, 250+点等等,如果一段行情刚刚开始,那么继续发展的可能性很大,如果一个行情已经走了很久,那么逆转的可能性会增大。不幸的是,我们不能知道一段行情能走多远,尽管如此,这个发现可以判断其他PVSAR指标的确定性。假设价格和成交量显示MM在做多,有显著的成交量信号出现在价格在低点的时候,并且甚至是在很短的时间内价格开始急剧下降,你将如何决策如果此时SR部分显示整体向上的趋势已经延续了250多点的日内波动?MM可能在拉升“牛市趋势”来最后努力吸引散户进场做多提供他们自己下一步下降趋势所需要的订单。你看,这不是单靠价格和成交量能分析出来的,结合支撑阻力位置才能更可靠的分析!

Conclusions 结论
As I have repeated over and over again, PVSRA can determine if MMs are bulls or bears, but we cannot ever know how far they might move price as they build their positions (by screwing other traders into giving them the liquidity they need to build). Therefore we can never know when the MM will start their run for profits. What this means is, we Sonicers can both build positions as the MMs build, or we can trade opposite the MMs. For example, if the MMs are pushing up prices and building shorts as they go, we can also or we can be in a counter-MM long trade. If the MMs are pushing down prices and building longs as they go, we can also or we can be in a counter-MM short trade. PVSRA is used to determine if the MMs are bulls or bears. Once you determine that, you are best able to set your strategy for trading, with the MMs or counter-MMs, as price achieves landmark S&R levels (whole, half, quarter levels), which are good places to make your trade entries. Sonicer, I hope this "current state" tutorial helps, and that the effort of other PVSRA traders will eventually yield a PVSRA that is simple and as effective as the Sonic R. System it is intended to serve.


The "SR" in PVSRA
Whole, half and to a much lesser degree the quarter number levels are universal Supply and Demand areas, and to which side of them that the MMs move price and then increase their trading is an indicator as to whether the MMs are bulls or bears. So, for example, if the MMs move price below a whole number and then increase their trading, then that area has become a Demand Zone for the MMs and they are bulls. If the MMs move price above a whole number and then increase their trading, then that area has become a Supply Zone for the MMs and they are bears.

Whole and half number areas are significant Demand/Supply zones, and one time they might be of Demand and another time of Supply. The MMs place orders for longs or shorts at such areas making them what they turn out to be. The important thing is not to try and figure out in advance what they will be when price gets there, but to analyze what the MMs do when they get the price there!

Are whole and half numbers the only "most significant" levels that were either a zone of Supply or of Demand when price was last there? No, and Hansma point out that we need to be aware of such other levels, not that they will be of Supply or of Demand as when price was last there, but because if price takes off in their direction then price most likely will eventually get there. Once price revisits a zone of previous Supply or of previous Demand, we can tell via PVSRA what type of zone it is now. If PVSRA indicates the MMs are bulls, then it remains or has switched to a Demand Zone.If PVSRA indicates the MMs are bears, then it remains or has switched to a Supply Zone. The important thing about such levels other than whole/half numbers is not knowing what they will be (Supply or Demand) when price next gets there, but to know they are possible targets. Once price gets there, based on PVSRA we will know then what the area is (Supply or Demand).

For me personally, I don't pay much attention to historic "Supply" and "Demand" areas as targets, and of course I never concern myself with what they might be (Supply or Demand) should price next get there. I find using whole, half and quarter number levels are universal enough, in that order of priority, that I can trade very profitably and with a lot more simplicity. Inter-day swings tend to be birthed in these areas and die in these areas. And it makes my trading life a lot less complicated to trade off of them.However, I do pay close attention to all of Hansma's posts because he is a "no messing around" success doing what he does. He has a lot to offer to anyone willing to listen up and learn.Important: sometimes PVSRA results are unclear and you simply must keep analyzing until they become clear.

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发表于 2017-10-22 18:25 | 只看该作者


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