- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Daily Pivot |
- //| Copyright ?2006, Profitrader |
- //| Coded/Verified by Profitrader |
- //| Modified by Nanningbob May 2012 |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //
- // Modified for 10.2 by nanningbob April 2012
- // Modified by candletiger@forexfactory April 2012
- // Version ct4
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Supported features/additions/modifications: |
- //| * paints pivot lines for *every* week or month in history |
- //| * paints 3 S/L levels |
- //| * with a second instance, mid lines can be added |
- //| * for the current week/month, an extension line is drawn |
- //| * added text paramters to the options |
- //| * added colors to the options |
- //| |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- #property copyright "Copyright ?2006, Profitrader."
- #property link "profitrader@inbox.ru"
- #property indicator_chart_window
- #property indicator_buffers 7
- extern string wmtext1 = "pivot timeframe";
- extern string wmtext2 = "Daily=1, monthly=2";
- extern int pivot_timeframe = 1;
- extern string mltext1 = "first instance supports main pivot levels";
- extern string mltext2 = "to add mid pivot levels, load this";
- extern string mltext3 = "indicator a second time and set below true";
- extern bool addMidLevels = false;
- extern string bartext = "set to number of bars to use";
- extern int BarsToProcess = 2000;
- extern string linetext = "below line/text style is configured";
- extern string text_font = "Arial";
- extern int text_size = 7;
- extern color text_color = Red;
- extern string tstext1 = "text_shift shifts the line text by N spaces";
- extern int text_shift = 30;
- extern int line_thickness_main = 3;
- extern int line_thickness_mid = 1;
- extern color line_color_main = Lime; // Black
- extern color line_color_support1 = Black; // DodgerBlue
- extern color line_color_resistance1 = Black; // OrangeRed
- extern color line_color_support2 = Black; // RoyalBlue
- extern color line_color_resistance2 = Black; // Crimson
- extern color line_color_support3 = Black; // Blue
- extern color line_color_resistance3 = Black; // Maroon
- //---- buffers
- double PBuffer[];
- double S1Buffer[];
- double R1Buffer[];
- double S2Buffer[];
- double R2Buffer[];
- double S3Buffer[];
- double R3Buffer[];
- //---- global variables
- datetime current_time;
- double multiplier;
- double last_high,last_low,last_close;
- double P,S1,R1,S2,R2,S3,R3, MS1, MS2, MS3, MR1, MR2, MR3, dP,dS1,dR1,dS2,dR2,dS3,dR3;
- int i;
- int line_thickness;
- int pivot_bar;
- int pivot_timeframe_const;
- string pregap = "";
- string timeframe_prefix;
- string timeframe_prefix_text;
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator initialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int init()
- {
- /*
- //Accommodate different quote sizes
- double multiplier;
- if(Digits == 2 || Digits == 4) multiplier = 1;
- if(Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) multiplier = 10;
- if(Digits == 6) multiplier = 100;
- */
- //Accommodate different quote sizes
- if(StringFind(Symbol(),"JPY",0)<0) multiplier = 10000;
- if(StringFind(Symbol(),"JPY",0)>=0) multiplier = 100;
- SetIndexBuffer(0,PBuffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(1,S1Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(2,R1Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(3,S2Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(4,R2Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(5,S3Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(6,R3Buffer);
- if(addMidLevels == true) line_thickness = line_thickness_mid;
- else line_thickness = line_thickness_main;
- SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_main);
- // SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_support1);
- // SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_resistance1);
- // SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_support2);
- // SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_resistance2);
- // SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_support3);
- // SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_resistance3);
- if( pivot_timeframe == 1) pivot_timeframe_const = PERIOD_D1;
- if( pivot_timeframe == 2) pivot_timeframe_const = PERIOD_MN1;
- if(pivot_timeframe == 1) timeframe_prefix = "Daily ";
- if(pivot_timeframe == 2) timeframe_prefix = "Monthly ";
- pregap="";
- for(i=0; i<text_shift;i++) pregap = pregap + " ";
- if(addMidLevels == true) timeframe_prefix = timeframe_prefix + "Mid ";
- timeframe_prefix_text = pregap + timeframe_prefix;
- SetIndexLabel(0,timeframe_prefix + "Pivot Point");
- //SetIndexLabel(1,timeframe_prefix + "Support 1");
- // SetIndexLabel(2,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 1");
- // SetIndexLabel(3,timeframe_prefix + "Support 2");
- // SetIndexLabel(4,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 2");
- // SetIndexLabel(5,timeframe_prefix + "Support 3");
- // SetIndexLabel(6,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 3");
- //the line text objects
- ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",timeframe_prefix_text + "Pivot", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res1", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup1", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res2", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup2", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res3", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup3", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- // the current pivot lines extension
- // why this? Beginning of a new week or month, the index lines are almost not visible
- // to compensate, we print a dotted helper line (Trend line, not an index line) from the current bar to the end
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_main);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance1);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support1);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance2);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support2);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance3);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support3);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custor indicator deinitialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int deinit()
- {
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res1");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res2");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res3");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext");
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator iteration function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int start()
- {
- int i,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
- //---- check for possible errors
- if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
- //---- last counted bar will be recounted
- if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
- int Limit=Bars-counted_bars;
- if(pivot_timeframe == 1) if(Period()>PERIOD_D1) return(-1);
- if(pivot_timeframe == 2) if(Period()>PERIOD_W1) return(-1);
- if(Limit>BarsToProcess) Limit=BarsToProcess;
- for(i=Limit-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- // looking for the current time
- current_time = Time[i];
- // and seach the corresponding bar in the pivot timeframe
- pivot_bar = iBarShift( NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, current_time);
- // read the values of that previous week/month
- last_low=iLow(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- last_high=iHigh(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- last_close=iClose(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- // calculate main pivot and S/R lines
- P=(last_high+last_low+last_close)/3;
- R1=(2*P)-last_low;
- S1=(2*P)-last_high;
- R2=P+(last_high-last_low);
- S2=P-(last_high-last_low);
- R3=(2*P)+(last_high-(2*last_low));
- S3=(2*P)-((2*last_high)-last_low);
- // calculate mid S/R lines
- MS3 = S3 + ((S2-S3) / 2);
- MS2 = S2 + ((S1-S2) / 2);
- MS1 = S1 + ((P-S1) / 2);
- MR1 = P + ((R1-P) / 2);
- MR2 = R1 + ((R2-R1) / 2);
- MR3 = R2 + ((R3-R2) / 2);
- // copy either main or mid values to the temp display variables
- if( addMidLevels == false)
- {
- dP=P;
- dS1=S1;
- dR1=R1;
- dS2=S2;
- dR2=R2;
- dS3=S3;
- dR3=R3;
- }
- else
- {
- dP=0;
- dS1=MS1;
- dR1=MR1;
- dS2=MS2;
- dR2=MR2;
- dS3=MS3;
- dR3=MR3;
- }
- PBuffer[i]=dP;
- S1Buffer[i]=dS1;
- R1Buffer[i]=dR1;
- S2Buffer[i]=dS2;
- R2Buffer[i]=dR2;
- S3Buffer[i]=dS3;
- R3Buffer[i]=dR3;
- } // end for i loop
- pregap = "";
- for(i=0; i<text_shift;i++) pregap = pregap + " ";
- if(addMidLevels == true) timeframe_prefix = timeframe_prefix + "Mid ";
- timeframe_prefix_text = pregap + timeframe_prefix;
- // move the text to the current bar
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",0,Time[0],dP);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot", timeframe_prefix_text + "Pivot ("+DoubleToStr((dP-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",0,Time[0],dS1);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup1 ("+DoubleToStr((dS1-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",0,Time[0],dR1);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res1", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res1 ("+DoubleToStr((dR1-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",0,Time[0],dS2);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup2 ("+DoubleToStr((dS2-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",0,Time[0],dR2);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res2", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res2 ("+DoubleToStr((dR2-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",0,Time[0],dS3);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup3 ("+DoubleToStr((dS3-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",0,Time[0],dR3);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res3", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res3 ("+DoubleToStr((dR3-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // move the helper extension lines to the current bar
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", 0, Time[1],dP);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", 1, Time[0],dP);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", 0, Time[1],dR1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", 1, Time[0],dR1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", 0, Time[1],dR2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", 1, Time[0],dR2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", 0, Time[1],dR3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", 1, Time[0],dR3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", 0, Time[1],dS1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", 1, Time[0],dS1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", 0, Time[1],dS2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", 1, Time[0],dS2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", 0, Time[1],dS3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", 1, Time[0],dS3);
- //----
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Weekly Pivot |
- //| Copyright ?2006, Profitrader |
- //| Coded/Verified by Profitrader |
- //| Modified by Nanningbob May 2012 |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //
- // Modified for 10.2 by nanningbob April 2012
- // Modified by candletiger@forexfactory April 2012
- // Version ct4
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Supported features/additions/modifications: |
- //| * paints pivot lines for *every* week or month in history |
- //| * paints 3 S/L levels |
- //| * with a second instance, mid lines can be added |
- //| * for the current week/month, an extension line is drawn |
- //| * added text paramters to the options |
- //| * added colors to the options |
- //| |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- #property copyright "Copyright ?2006, Profitrader."
- #property link "profitrader@inbox.ru"
- #property indicator_chart_window
- #property indicator_buffers 7
- extern string wmtext1 = "pivot timeframe";
- extern string wmtext2 = "Weekly=1, monthly=2";
- extern int pivot_timeframe = 2;
- extern string mltext1 = "first instance supports main pivot levels";
- extern string mltext2 = "to add mid pivot levels, load this";
- extern string mltext3 = "indicator a second time and set below true";
- extern bool addMidLevels = false;
- extern string bartext = "set to number of bars to use";
- extern int BarsToProcess = 200;
- extern string linetext = "below line/text style is configured";
- extern string text_font = "Arial";
- extern int text_size = 7;
- extern color text_color = Red;
- extern string tstext1 = "text_shift shifts the line text by N spaces";
- extern int text_shift = 30;
- extern int line_thickness_main = 3;
- extern int line_thickness_mid = 1;
- extern color line_color_main = Black; // Black
- extern color line_color_support1 = AliceBlue; // DodgerBlue
- extern color line_color_resistance1 = AliceBlue; // OrangeRed
- extern color line_color_support2 = AliceBlue; // RoyalBlue
- extern color line_color_resistance2 = AliceBlue; // Crimson
- extern color line_color_support3 = AliceBlue; // Blue
- extern color line_color_resistance3 = AliceBlue; // Maroon
- //---- buffers
- double PBuffer[];
- double S1Buffer[];
- double R1Buffer[];
- double S2Buffer[];
- double R2Buffer[];
- double S3Buffer[];
- double R3Buffer[];
- //---- global variables
- datetime current_time;
- double multiplier;
- double last_high,last_low,last_close;
- double P,S1,R1,S2,R2,S3,R3, MS1, MS2, MS3, MR1, MR2, MR3, dP,dS1,dR1,dS2,dR2,dS3,dR3;
- int i;
- int line_thickness;
- int pivot_bar;
- int pivot_timeframe_const;
- string pregap = "";
- string timeframe_prefix;
- string timeframe_prefix_text;
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator initialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int init()
- {
- /*
- //Accommodate different quote sizes
- double multiplier;
- if(Digits == 2 || Digits == 4) multiplier = 1;
- if(Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) multiplier = 10;
- if(Digits == 6) multiplier = 100;
- */
- //Accommodate different quote sizes
- if(StringFind(Symbol(),"JPY",0)<0) multiplier = 10000;
- if(StringFind(Symbol(),"JPY",0)>=0) multiplier = 100;
- SetIndexBuffer(0,PBuffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(1,S1Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(2,R1Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(3,S2Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(4,R2Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(5,S3Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(6,R3Buffer);
- if(addMidLevels == true) line_thickness = line_thickness_mid;
- else line_thickness = line_thickness_main;
- SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_main);
- // SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_support1);
- // SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_resistance1);
- // SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_support2);
- // SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_resistance2);
- // SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_support3);
- // SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_resistance3);
- if( pivot_timeframe == 1) pivot_timeframe_const = PERIOD_D1;
- if( pivot_timeframe == 2) pivot_timeframe_const = PERIOD_MN1;
- if(pivot_timeframe == 1) timeframe_prefix = "Weekly ";
- if(pivot_timeframe == 2) timeframe_prefix = "Monthly ";
- pregap="";
- for(i=0; i<text_shift;i++) pregap = pregap + " ";
- if(addMidLevels == true) timeframe_prefix = timeframe_prefix + "Mid ";
- timeframe_prefix_text = pregap + timeframe_prefix;
- SetIndexLabel(0,timeframe_prefix + "Pivot Point");
- //SetIndexLabel(1,timeframe_prefix + "Support 1");
- // SetIndexLabel(2,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 1");
- // SetIndexLabel(3,timeframe_prefix + "Support 2");
- // SetIndexLabel(4,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 2");
- // SetIndexLabel(5,timeframe_prefix + "Support 3");
- // SetIndexLabel(6,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 3");
- //the line text objects
- ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",timeframe_prefix_text + "Pivot", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res1", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup1", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res2", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup2", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res3", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup3", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- // the current pivot lines extension
- // why this? Beginning of a new week or month, the index lines are almost not visible
- // to compensate, we print a dotted helper line (Trend line, not an index line) from the current bar to the end
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_main);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance1);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support1);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance2);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support2);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance3);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support3);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custor indicator deinitialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int deinit()
- {
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res1");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res2");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res3");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext");
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator iteration function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int start()
- {
- int i,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
- //---- check for possible errors
- if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
- //---- last counted bar will be recounted
- if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
- int Limit=Bars-counted_bars;
- if(pivot_timeframe == 1) if(Period()>PERIOD_D1) return(-1);
- if(pivot_timeframe == 2) if(Period()>PERIOD_W1) return(-1);
- if(Limit>BarsToProcess) Limit=BarsToProcess;
- for(i=Limit-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- // looking for the current time
- current_time = Time[i];
- // and seach the corresponding bar in the pivot timeframe
- pivot_bar = iBarShift( NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, current_time);
- // read the values of that previous week/month
- last_low=iLow(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- last_high=iHigh(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- last_close=iClose(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- // calculate main pivot and S/R lines
- P=(last_high+last_low+last_close)/3;
- R1=(2*P)-last_low;
- S1=(2*P)-last_high;
- R2=P+(last_high-last_low);
- S2=P-(last_high-last_low);
- R3=(2*P)+(last_high-(2*last_low));
- S3=(2*P)-((2*last_high)-last_low);
- // calculate mid S/R lines
- MS3 = S3 + ((S2-S3) / 2);
- MS2 = S2 + ((S1-S2) / 2);
- MS1 = S1 + ((P-S1) / 2);
- MR1 = P + ((R1-P) / 2);
- MR2 = R1 + ((R2-R1) / 2);
- MR3 = R2 + ((R3-R2) / 2);
- // copy either main or mid values to the temp display variables
- if( addMidLevels == false)
- {
- dP=P;
- dS1=S1;
- dR1=R1;
- dS2=S2;
- dR2=R2;
- dS3=S3;
- dR3=R3;
- }
- else
- {
- dP=0;
- dS1=MS1;
- dR1=MR1;
- dS2=MS2;
- dR2=MR2;
- dS3=MS3;
- dR3=MR3;
- }
- PBuffer[i]=dP;
- S1Buffer[i]=dS1;
- R1Buffer[i]=dR1;
- S2Buffer[i]=dS2;
- R2Buffer[i]=dR2;
- S3Buffer[i]=dS3;
- R3Buffer[i]=dR3;
- } // end for i loop
- pregap = "";
- for(i=0; i<text_shift;i++) pregap = pregap + " ";
- if(addMidLevels == true) timeframe_prefix = timeframe_prefix + "Mid ";
- timeframe_prefix_text = pregap + timeframe_prefix;
- // move the text to the current bar
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",0,Time[0],dP);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot", timeframe_prefix_text + "Pivot ("+DoubleToStr((dP-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",0,Time[0],dS1);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup1 ("+DoubleToStr((dS1-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",0,Time[0],dR1);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res1", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res1 ("+DoubleToStr((dR1-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",0,Time[0],dS2);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup2 ("+DoubleToStr((dS2-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",0,Time[0],dR2);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res2", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res2 ("+DoubleToStr((dR2-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",0,Time[0],dS3);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup3 ("+DoubleToStr((dS3-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",0,Time[0],dR3);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res3", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res3 ("+DoubleToStr((dR3-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // move the helper extension lines to the current bar
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", 0, Time[1],dP);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", 1, Time[0],dP);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", 0, Time[1],dR1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", 1, Time[0],dR1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", 0, Time[1],dR2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", 1, Time[0],dR2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", 0, Time[1],dR3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", 1, Time[0],dR3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", 0, Time[1],dS1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", 1, Time[0],dS1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", 0, Time[1],dS2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", 1, Time[0],dS2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", 0, Time[1],dS3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", 1, Time[0],dS3);
- //----
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Weekly Pivot |
- //| Copyright ?2006, Profitrader |
- //| Coded/Verified by Profitrader |
- //| Modified by Nanningbob May 2012 |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //
- // Modified for 10.2 by nanningbob April 2012
- // Modified by candletiger@forexfactory April 2012
- // Version ct4
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Supported features/additions/modifications: |
- //| * paints pivot lines for *every* week or month in history |
- //| * paints 3 S/L levels |
- //| * with a second instance, mid lines can be added |
- //| * for the current week/month, an extension line is drawn |
- //| * added text paramters to the options |
- //| * added colors to the options |
- //| |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- #property copyright "Copyright ?2006, Profitrader."
- #property link "profitrader@inbox.ru"
- #property indicator_chart_window
- #property indicator_buffers 7
- extern string wmtext1 = "pivot timeframe";
- extern string wmtext2 = "Weekly=1, monthly=2";
- extern int pivot_timeframe = 1;
- extern string mltext1 = "first instance supports main pivot levels";
- extern string mltext2 = "to add mid pivot levels, load this";
- extern string mltext3 = "indicator a second time and set below true";
- extern bool addMidLevels = false;
- extern string bartext = "set to number of bars to use";
- extern int BarsToProcess = 2000;
- extern string linetext = "below line/text style is configured";
- extern string text_font = "Arial";
- extern int text_size = 7;
- extern color text_color = Red;
- extern string tstext1 = "text_shift shifts the line text by N spaces";
- extern int text_shift = 30;
- extern int line_thickness_main = 3;
- extern int line_thickness_mid = 1;
- extern color line_color_main = Gold; // Black
- extern color line_color_support1 = Black; // DodgerBlue
- extern color line_color_resistance1 = Black; // OrangeRed
- extern color line_color_support2 = Black; // RoyalBlue
- extern color line_color_resistance2 = Black; // Crimson
- extern color line_color_support3 = Black; // Blue
- extern color line_color_resistance3 = Black; // Maroon
- //---- buffers
- double PBuffer[];
- double S1Buffer[];
- double R1Buffer[];
- double S2Buffer[];
- double R2Buffer[];
- double S3Buffer[];
- double R3Buffer[];
- //---- global variables
- datetime current_time;
- double multiplier;
- double last_high,last_low,last_close;
- double P,S1,R1,S2,R2,S3,R3, MS1, MS2, MS3, MR1, MR2, MR3, dP,dS1,dR1,dS2,dR2,dS3,dR3;
- int i;
- int line_thickness;
- int pivot_bar;
- int pivot_timeframe_const;
- string pregap = "";
- string timeframe_prefix;
- string timeframe_prefix_text;
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator initialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int init()
- {
- /*
- //Accommodate different quote sizes
- double multiplier;
- if(Digits == 2 || Digits == 4) multiplier = 1;
- if(Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) multiplier = 10;
- if(Digits == 6) multiplier = 100;
- */
- //Accommodate different quote sizes
- if(StringFind(Symbol(),"JPY",0)<0) multiplier = 10000;
- if(StringFind(Symbol(),"JPY",0)>=0) multiplier = 100;
- SetIndexBuffer(0,PBuffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(1,S1Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(2,R1Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(3,S2Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(4,R2Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(5,S3Buffer);
- //SetIndexBuffer(6,R3Buffer);
- if(addMidLevels == true) line_thickness = line_thickness_mid;
- else line_thickness = line_thickness_main;
- SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,3, line_color_main);
- //SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_DOT,line_thickness, line_color_support1);
- //SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_DOT,line_thickness, line_color_resistance1);
- //SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_DOT,line_thickness, line_color_support2);
- //SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_DOT,line_thickness, line_color_resistance2);
- // SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_support3);
- // SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,line_thickness, line_color_resistance3);
- if( pivot_timeframe == 1) pivot_timeframe_const = PERIOD_W1;
- if( pivot_timeframe == 2) pivot_timeframe_const = PERIOD_MN1;
- if(pivot_timeframe == 1) timeframe_prefix = "Weekly ";
- if(pivot_timeframe == 2) timeframe_prefix = "Monthly ";
- pregap="";
- for(i=0; i<text_shift;i++) pregap = pregap + " ";
- if(addMidLevels == true) timeframe_prefix = timeframe_prefix + "Mid ";
- timeframe_prefix_text = pregap + timeframe_prefix;
- SetIndexLabel(0,timeframe_prefix + "Pivot Point");
- //SetIndexLabel(1,timeframe_prefix + "Support 1");
- //SetIndexLabel(2,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 1");
- // SetIndexLabel(3,timeframe_prefix + "Support 2");
- // SetIndexLabel(4,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 2");
- // SetIndexLabel(5,timeframe_prefix + "Support 3");
- // SetIndexLabel(6,timeframe_prefix + "Resistance 3");
- //the line text objects
- ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",timeframe_prefix_text + "Pivot", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res1", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup1", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res2", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup2", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",timeframe_prefix_text + "Res3", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- //ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",OBJ_TEXT,0,0,0);
- //ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup3", text_size, text_font, text_color);
- // the current pivot lines extension
- // why this? Beginning of a new week or month, the index lines are almost not visible
- // to compensate, we print a dotted helper line (Trend line, not an index line) from the current bar to the end
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_main);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance1);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support1);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance2);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support2);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_resistance3);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- // ObjectCreate(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJ_TREND,0, 0,0,0,0);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJPROP_COLOR, line_color_support3);
- // ObjectSet(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custor indicator deinitialization function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int deinit()
- {
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res1");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res2");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res3");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext");
- ObjectDelete(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext");
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- //| Custom indicator iteration function |
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
- int start()
- {
- int i,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
- //---- check for possible errors
- if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
- //---- last counted bar will be recounted
- if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
- int Limit=Bars-counted_bars;
- if(pivot_timeframe == 1) if(Period()>PERIOD_D1) return(-1);
- if(pivot_timeframe == 2) if(Period()>PERIOD_W1) return(-1);
- if(Limit>BarsToProcess) Limit=BarsToProcess;
- for(i=Limit-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- // looking for the current time
- current_time = Time[i];
- // and seach the corresponding bar in the pivot timeframe
- pivot_bar = iBarShift( NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, current_time);
- // read the values of that previous week/month
- last_low=iLow(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- last_high=iHigh(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- last_close=iClose(NULL, pivot_timeframe_const, pivot_bar+1);
- // calculate main pivot and S/R lines
- P=(last_high+last_low+last_close)/3;
- R1=(2*P)-last_low;
- S1=(2*P)-last_high;
- R2=P+(last_high-last_low);
- S2=P-(last_high-last_low);
- R3=(2*P)+(last_high-(2*last_low));
- S3=(2*P)-((2*last_high)-last_low);
- // calculate mid S/R lines
- MS3 = S3 + ((S2-S3) / 2);
- MS2 = S2 + ((S1-S2) / 2);
- MS1 = S1 + ((P-S1) / 2);
- MR1 = P + ((R1-P) / 2);
- MR2 = R1 + ((R2-R1) / 2);
- MR3 = R2 + ((R3-R2) / 2);
- // copy either main or mid values to the temp display variables
- if( addMidLevels == false)
- {
- dP=P;
- dS1=S1;
- dR1=R1;
- dS2=S2;
- dR2=R2;
- dS3=S3;
- dR3=R3;
- }
- else
- {
- dP=0;
- dS1=MS1;
- dR1=MR1;
- dS2=MS2;
- dR2=MR2;
- dS3=MS3;
- dR3=MR3;
- }
- PBuffer[i]=dP;
- S1Buffer[i]=dS1;
- R1Buffer[i]=dR1;
- S2Buffer[i]=dS2;
- R2Buffer[i]=dR2;
- S3Buffer[i]=dS3;
- R3Buffer[i]=dR3;
- } // end for i loop
- pregap = "";
- for(i=0; i<text_shift;i++) pregap = pregap + " ";
- if(addMidLevels == true) timeframe_prefix = timeframe_prefix + "Mid ";
- timeframe_prefix_text = pregap + timeframe_prefix;
- // move the text to the current bar
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot",0,Time[0],dP);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot", timeframe_prefix_text + "Pivot ("+DoubleToStr((dP-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1",0,Time[0],dS1);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup1 ("+DoubleToStr((dS1-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1",0,Time[0],dR1);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res1", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res1 ("+DoubleToStr((dR1-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2",0,Time[0],dS2);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup2 ("+DoubleToStr((dS2-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2",0,Time[0],dR2);
- ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res2", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res2 ("+DoubleToStr((dR2-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3",0,Time[0],dS3);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3", timeframe_prefix_text + "Sup3 ("+DoubleToStr((dS3-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3",0,Time[0],dR3);
- // ObjectSetText(timeframe_prefix + "Res3", timeframe_prefix_text + "Res3 ("+DoubleToStr((dR3-Close[0]) * multiplier, 1)+" pts)");
- // move the helper extension lines to the current bar
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", 0, Time[1],dP);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Pivot ext", 1, Time[0],dP);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", 0, Time[1],dR1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res1 ext", 1, Time[0],dR1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", 0, Time[1],dR2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res2 ext", 1, Time[0],dR2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", 0, Time[1],dR3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Res3 ext", 1, Time[0],dR3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", 0, Time[1],dS1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup1 ext", 1, Time[0],dS1);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", 0, Time[1],dS2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup2 ext", 1, Time[0],dS2);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", 0, Time[1],dS3);
- // ObjectMove(timeframe_prefix + "Sup3 ext", 1, Time[0],dS3);
- //----
- return(0);
- }
- //+------------------------------------------------------------------+